DB Class

@filename: Db.class.php
@location: inc/lib/
@package: GeniXCMS
@since: 0.0.1
@author: Puguh Wijayanto (www.metalgenix.com)
@copyright: 2014-2015 Puguh Wijayanto
@license: MIT License

This Documentation is still need improvement.

This class is for managing and for processing the database. We are using MySQL database. Right now there are two database driver used, mysql and mysqli. And will be added in the next release for PDO driver.


Database connection is executed on the constructor. All database settings are defined at the config.php file located at inc/config/.

Connect Method

Usage: Db::connect();

Result: ``

This method was used to connect into database. Currently the connection type is just mysqli. Will be added more soon.

To use the method is simple. When you create an independent file and need a database connection just execute it before run the query.


When the configurations are not set, it takes fron the config.php file. But when you want to connect into the different database, just run this.


Query Method

Usage: Db::query(string $var);

Result: array

This method is used to query the database. To call e query is simple. See the sample below.

Db::query("SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE 1 LIMIT 1");

Right now the query is still a simple query. In the future this had to be advanced query for better query.

Result Method

Usage: Db::result(array $arr);

Result: object

This method used to get a list of data from table in an object structure. To use it see code below.

$data = Db::result("SELECT * FROM `table_name` ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 10");

This query will result :

    [0] -> array(
                'name' => '',
                'date' => ''
    [1] -> array(
                'name' => '',
                'date' => ''

Delete Method

Usage: Db::delete(int $id);

Result: string

This method is used to delete a row of data at the table by specified where clause. See sample below :

$id = Typo::int($_GET['id]);
$vars = array(
          'table' => 'table', // table name
          'where' => array(
                         'id' => $id
                     ), // where
$del = Db::delete($var);

The code above will delete data in a row which had the $id value.

Update Method

Usage: Db::update(array $var);

This method will be update the specified row in a table by specific $id.

See sample below :

Array Mode

This code is used to insert data into database in array format.

$id = Typo::int($_GET['id]);
$vars = array(
          'table' => 'table', // table name
          'id' => $id,
          'key' => array(
                         'name' => $_POST['name']
                     ), // where
$del = Db::delete($var);

Plain Mode

This code used to insert data into database in plain format.

$del = Db::insert("INSERT INTO `table_name` VALUES (null, '{$_POST['name]}')");

Insert Method

Usage: Db::insert(array $var);

This method will insert data into the table on the database. See sample below :

Array Mode

This code is used to insert data into database in array format.

$vars = array(
          'table' => 'table', // table name
          'key' => array(
                         'name' => $_POST['name']
                         'sex' => $_POST['sex']
                     ), // where
$del = Db::insert($var);

Plain Mode

This code used to insert data into database in plain format.

$del = Db::insert("INSERT INTO `table_name` VALUES (null, '{$_POST['name]}')");

Escape Method

Usage: Db::escape(string $string);

This method used to escape string before submitted to database.