Date Class

@filename: Date.class.php
@location: inc/lib/
@package: GeniXCMS
@since: 0.0.3
@author: Puguh Wijayanto (
@copyright: 2014-2015 Puguh Wijayanto
@license: MIT License

This Class is used to format and manage the date and timezone.

Format Method

Usage: Date::format(string $date, string $format);

Return string

This method will format the date for specific format. As default it will format as j F Y H:i A T, date format according to PHP.NET Date Manual. Please read it if you want to change the date format.

Local Method

Usage: Date::local(string $date, string $format);

Return string

This method will result as Local Date format according to the local timezone. The timezone is set at the backend dashboard.

Timezone Method

Usage: Date::TimeZone();

Return array

This method will result the list of Timezone in array.

optTimeZone Method

Usage: Date::optTimeZone();

return string

This method will result a list of timezone in an options markup.

Country Options Dropdown

Usage: Date::optCountry(string $val);

return string

This method will result a list of Country in a dropdown options. If the value of the variable was set, the country which same with the variable will be selected.

Country List Method

Usage: Date::countryList();

Return string

This method will result the list of country in array.