Control Class

@filename: Control.class.php
@location: inc/lib/
@package: GeniXCMS
@since: 0.0.1
@author: Puguh Wijayanto (
@copyright: 2014-2016 Puguh Wijayanto
@license: MIT License

This Documentation is still need improvement.

This class is to load the controller at inc/lib/Control directories. Controllers needed to proccess the procedure and view the result at themes.

This is the hierarchy of MVC, as GeniXCMS is using MVC structure.

The controller divided into some parts.

  • Ajax
  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Error
  • Install

This controller is flexible. You can create and add it at the Control Class to load it.

Handler Method

This method is deprecated and will be removed on future updates

Usage: Control::handler((string) $vars)

This method is to load the controller types.


We want to call the Frontend Controller, so use this to load it.


This will load the Frontend Controller.

Frontend File Inclusion Method

Usage: Control::incFront((string) $vars);

This method will load the file at the Frontend directory if the file is exist. If not it will load the 404 not found page.

This method is needed by Control::frontend() method.

Backend File Inclusion Method

Usage: Control::incBack((string) $vars);

This method will load the file at the Backend directory if the file is exist. If not it will load the 404 not found page.

This method is needed by Control::backend() method.

Get Method

Usage: Control::get(array $arr);

This method used to get the http get request from URL. This work inside the Frontend method. On every get request, if the value is on the array the file will be include. This method is only run when the SMART_URL is set as false.

Route Method

Usage: Control::route(array $arr);

This method used when the SMART_URL was set as true and it will read the request uri at the url. On every value is match at the $arr the file will be included.

Frontend Method

Usage: Control::frontend();

This will handle the controller which file will be included at the Frontend controller.

This method will call the file using self::incFront((string) $vars)

If the controller is not found, the 404 error will loaded.

And Default controller is default.control.php

How to load your own controller

This is simple. If you want to create your own controller and want to load it at the frontpage. Just create your controller at the Frontend Controller inc/lib/Control/Frontend directory.

After the file is ready, open the Control.class.php file, and go to the public static method frontend() method.

There are some variables in arrays as the value; $arr = array ('post','page', 'cat', 'mod', 'sitemap', 'rss');

Just add your controller name on it. If your file name is store.control.php. So the arrays become like this :

$arr = array ('post','page', 'cat', 'mod', 'sitemap', 'rss', 'store');

Backend Method

Usage: Control::backend();

This will handle the controller which file will be included at the Backend controller.

This method will call the file using self::incBack((string) $vars)

If the controller is not found, the 404 error will loaded.

And Default controller is default.control.php

ERROR Method

Usage: Control::error((string) $vars='',(string) $val'');

This method is to load the Error handler. The default is 404 not found.

There are some error page already built. Specially for the system error, eg: 404, 400, 403, 500

Those error page had specific header so when it loaded it will read by the system as it.

Anothere error pages are :

  • Database Error db
  • Unknown Error unknown
  • No Access error noaccess

How to use Error Handler

Using error handle is simple. Below are some examples how to use it.

404 Not Found Page

$file = "/path/to/file.php";
if ( file_exists($file) ) {

No Access / Restricted Access

   echo "You are ready to go.";

Database Error

$mysqli = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = '{$id}'';
$db = $mysqli->query($sql);
   Control::error('db', $mysqli->error);

Creating Your own Error Page

If yo want to use your error handler, just create a file at Error directory inside the Control directory.

And load it when there is an error with your desired error pages.

Ajax Method

This method used when we call the ajax request. All ajax file located at inc/lib/Control/Ajax.