Categories Class

@filename: Categories.class.php
@location: inc/lib/
@package: GeniXCMS
@since: 0.0.1
@author: Puguh Wijayanto (
@copyright: 2014-2016 Puguh Wijayanto
@license: MIT License

This Documentation is still need improvement.

This class is to manage the Categories. This category structure is very simple.

An improvement probably added in the future. Below are the explanation each method at the Categories Class.

Usage : echo Categories::dropdown(array $vars);

Return: string

This method to create an automatic dropdown options from available categories at the database. It means we can create dropdown so easy, just fill in the parameters and a select input created automatically.


$vars = array(
             'name'      =>  'catname',
             'parent'    =>  'parent',
             'order_by'  =>  '',
             'sort'      =>  'ASC',
echo Categories::dropdown($vars);

That methods calls will create output like this.

<select name="catname" class="form-control">
    <option value="1">Category Name</option>


  • name, this is the name of the select input.
  • parent, this is the parent of the category you want to show. No parent or empty means all categories will shows up.
  • order_by, this is how you want the category ordered by. Available columns are : id, name, slug, parent, desc default is id
  • sort, this is the options how your categories sorted, Ascending ASC, or Descending DESC. Default is ASC

See also:

Lists Method

Usage : echo Categories::lists(array $vars)

This method will show the list of the Categories with the unordered list markup.


$vars = array(
             'name'      =>  'catname',
             'parent'    =>  'parent',
             'order_by'  =>  '',
             'sort'      =>  'ASC',
echo Categories::lists($vars);


  • name, this is the name of the select input.
  • parent, this is the parent of the category you want to show. No parent or empty means all categories will shows up.
  • order_by, this is how you want the category ordered by. Available columns are : id, name, slug, parent, desc default is id
  • sort, this is the options how your categories sorted, Ascending ASC, or Descending DESC. Default is ASC

See also:

Name Method

Usage: echo Categories::name(int '$id');

Return: string

This method will get the name of Category for the specific ID.


we have a list of categories with sample below :

ID Name
1 News
2 Article
$cat = Categories::name(1);
echo $cat;

this will output News.

See also:

getParent Method

Usage: echo Categories::getParent(int '$id');

Return: int

This is to get the parent of a speicific ID.


we have a list of categories with sample below :

ID Name Parent
1 News 0
2 Article 0
3 Latest 1
$parent = Categories::getParent(3);
echo $parent;

this will output 1.

See also:

Delete Method

Usage: Categories::delete(int '$id');

Return: bool

This method will delete Category with a specific ID.

See also:

Type Method

Usage: Categories::type(int '$id');

Return: string

This method will query the categories table and find the specific id and output the type of the category.

See also: